Photo Features

Here are some pictures related to 'In the name of Luuuuv'

Cover Page of ' In the name of Luuuv', book written by Chandra Mehendrou

Feedback by Aarya Babbar for 'In the name of Luuuv'

Feeback by Sandeep Rajoura for ' In the name of Luuuv' written by Chandra Mehendrou

Feedback by Satish Kaushik for 'In the name of Luuuv', written by Chandra Mehendrou

Feedback by Nikita Sara for ' In the name of Luuuv' written by Chandra Mehendrou

Satish Kaushik at the book reading session of 'In the name of Luuuv' written by Chandra Mehendrou ( May'11)

The author Chandra Mehendrou holding the book 'In the name of Luuuv

Veteran Director Satish Kaushik reading 'In the name of Luuuv' written by Chandra Mehendrou